My approach
I help educate and empower women to be their own health advocate, to live healthier day to day, symptom-free so that they can feel amazing again in their body.
I help find REAL answers to your weight and hormone issues through lab testing. I create personalized programs to meet each client’s unique needs when it comes to finding their ideal health & happiness! I help figure out which foods are best for your body according to your genetics and also which foods help boost hormonal balance.
Most of your common symptoms, aches & pains are not “normal” or “just part of the aging process” but rather a result of an imbalance or dysfunction going on in the body. Once the balance is restored, those symptoms, aches and pains will drastically diminish, or disappear resulting in optimal health.
This is a self-opt-in healing process and healing takes time. I am here to help guide you throughout your healing journey and be there to hold you accountable, answer questions, and course correct as needed if something isn’t working. I am fully committed to helping along the way. Your success is my success!

How It Works

Step 1: Ready For Change
If you are ready to take a deeper look into your health, get to the bottom of your health complaints and would like some real solutions that will make you feel good again, then you have already taken the very important First Step!
Book a complimentary discovery Call which is a 20-30 minute consultation. Here we will discuss what your main health complaints & symptoms are and see if I am able to help you & if we are a good fit.
Step 2: Program Selection

I have three different programs available. The first option is Nutritional Coaching with no lab testing. In addition, I offer two different Functional Nutritional Coaching programs which include foundational labs.
If you are interested in individual lab testing or have any questions about the labs, please let me know and I may be able to individualize something for you.

Step 3: We Begin The Work
After you have chosen your program, I will send you your Intake Forms, Terms of Service & Medical History Forms which will need to be completed before your first session.
If you are doing Functional Lab Testing, I’ll order the self-testing functional labs which will be shipped to your home where you will do the testing on yourself. Depending on which tests you choose you could be doing saliva, urine, stool, blood, or hair samples.
You’ll complete the testing on yourself and mail it back to the labs. When I receive the lab test results, I will contact you to schedule a results and recommendations session where I will go over your lab results with you and give you recommendations along with your protocol.
Your protocol is based on diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction & supplements. After your initial results & recommendation session, we will meet bi-weekly for a 45-minute follow-up session. Throughout our follow-up sessions, I will provide you with ongoing individualized support throughout the entire journey. I will also guide course corrections, provide honest feedback and accountability.

Program Options


Want to feel better and start working on improving your health but not sure where to start? Or maybe you’ve hit a plateau and looking for additional health support.
Are you looking to develop healthy habits, and improve your day-to-day overall health? This program is customized to your goals & lifestyle.
This program is 3 months long. I will assess your current health status through a series of in-depth questionnaires to identify your biggest health concerns, what might be causing them and where your biggest healing opportunities are to restore balance to your body. I’ll provide you with personalized recommendations for diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation to best support your body so that you can reach your ideal health!


Have you been struggling with fatigue, low libido, constipation, skin issues, sleep issues, horrible PMS, just to name a few… and frustrated that you aren’t getting any solutions? Do you feel fat, tired & wired, overwhelmed, irritable, moody, anxious and just want to be told exactly what to do to feel better? Then this program is for you to feel empowered with your health & hormones.
Using lab testing and comprehensive questionnaires we’ll look at your hormones, immune, digestion and detoxification systems to find imbalances that are preventing you from feeling your best. This program is approximately 3-4 months so that you get all the accountability and support you need to effectively implement the personalized changes and recommendations that I provide you.
Total Transformation

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, all the different diets, exercises, doctor visits and nothing’s helping… Do you feel like you aren’t reaching your health goals and have unresolved health complaints that are interfering with your life? Do you know in your gut that something is wrong or missing? Are you ready for change, more energy, more clarity and a better understanding of how to best take care of yourself and your health goals? Then this program is for you. We will do a full investigation of functional lab tests along with comprehensive questionnaires; we’ll look for underlying imbalances in your hormones, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy production, nervous system and oxidative stress. We’ll work together for approximately 9-12 months to help fully transform you into the healthiest and happiest version of you!

Additional Lab Testing Available
GI Map
Our gut health plays a big role in our overall health. Gut function is directly tied to hormone balance, brain function, mood, energy production, chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia and so much more. GI Map identifies hidden gut issues that may be contributing to chronic health issues that you may be experiencing. GI Map is a comprehensive stool test which includes the following makers: parasitic pathogens, bacterial pathogens, fungi/yeast, H pylori, normal bacterial flora, phyla microbiota, and opportunistic bacteria. It also includes markers for gluten sensitivity, inflammation in the gut, pancreatic enzyme sufficiency and occult blood. This a stool test.
Common GI issues include:
digestion issues, diarrhea or constipation - skin issues: acne, eczema, psoriasis - brain fog
mood disorders: depression, anxiety - blood sugar issues - autoimmune disease
HTMA is a test that analyzes the mineral content and heavy metals in hair. This test provides us with information about your metabolic rate, thyroid function, blood sugar regulation, cellular hydration, stages of stress, inflammation, immune system and body’s ability to detox. Hair contains minerals, although the hair is dead, the minerals remain as the hair continues to grow out. A sample of hair cut close to the scalp provides us with information about mineral activity within the past 3-4 months, depending on the rate of hair growth.
Minerals in the hair uncover several things about your health:
early indicator of health concerns
thyroid balance
blood sugar handling issues
sex hormone imbalances
HPA - dysfunction (adrenal fatigue)
heavy metal toxicity
mineral deficiencies
oxidation rate (for proper macronutrient ratios: protein, fats, carbohydrates)
ATP - energy production
copper toxicity or dysregulation
Dutch Complete – Hormone Panel
Hormones play a vital role in our physical and mental health. Balancing the body’s hormones is crucial to maintaining optimum health. This is a comprehensive test that looks at your hormone health and the way that your body produces and metabolizes hormones. This test also provides insights into nutritional defences, oxidative stress (DNA damage marker), gut dysbiosis, melatonin, neuro-inflammation and more.
This is a great test if you are experiencing hormone-related issues such as:
brain fog/forgetfulness
weight gain
vaginal dryness
uterine fibroids
hair loss
loss of libido
breast tenderness
mood swings
irregular menstrual cycles
chronic stress
muscle mass loss
muscle weakness
nights sweats
Food Sensitivity Test
Food sensitivities can cause inflammation which can cascade into other systems causing more dysfunction. IgG Food MAP test is a comprehensive food sensitivity test that measures antibodies to 190 common foods, herbs and spices along with results for candida and yeast. This test is available as a serum or dried blood spot format. This test is an effective way to identify foods that can trigger an inflammatory response. Identifying these food sensitivities can be a crucial part of healing the body and relieving unexplained signs and symptoms.
Candida overgrowth in the gut can lead to a whole host of issues and some common symptoms include fatigue, nail and skin infections, oral thrush, brain fog, mood changes and food cravings. Addressing Candida overgrowth will help in healing the gut and decrease food sensitivities.
Common Food sensitivity symptoms include:
digestive issues: bloating, gas, diarrhea
skin problems: rashes or eczema
joint pain
mood changes
Blood Chemistry Analysis
Have you ever been told by your doctor that your blood work is normal yet you don’t feel good or “normal”? Blood chemistry analysis using functional lab references can give us a lot of insight into what’s going on in the body. We use functional lab ranges to identify changes in physiology and try to catch dysfunction early, so that it can be corrected before it turns into a disease. I can interpret your lab results and through a personalized protocol, we can restore function to the body.
Metabolic Typing Test
There is no such thing as one diet for everybody. Each person has unique nutritional requirements dependent upon genetics, physiology, pathology, environment, medications, psychological factors and lifestyle. Metabolic typing test tells us what’s the best diet type to meet your genetic requirements. We work with the macronutrient ratios: protein, carbs, and fats to find the correct ratios based on your body’s requirements. Genetic requirements such as proper fuel make up the modern science of metabolic typing.
I've finally found relief from years of suffering. Her expertise in addressing candida and H.Pylori, coupled with my chronic symptoms of headaches, fatigue and poor sleep, has been life changing! Richelle's personalized approach brought me amazing results and renewed vitality. I finally feel like I have control of my health!
I've been seeing Richelle for a few months now and I feel so much better. Her approach is personalized and effective. I highly recommend her services!
I was struggling with my health and didn't know what to do. Richelle helped me identify the root cause of my issues and provided me with a detailed plan to get back on track. I'm so grateful for her expertise!